Apart from providing the best quality translation services and solutions, a translation service provider also ought to take a special care of confidentiality of data. With such a number of projects coming from all over the globe, the data also keep on piling up. So, in order to ensure our clients an ease of compilation and access, we have given a careful significance to the archival.

Why Archival?

The archival of the documents is very important when we want to keep our work organized and save both ourselves and our client’s the troubles otherwise possible.

  • The archival helps us maintain a chronological and ordered storage of work
  • When we deal with translations in a wide range of languages and clients from far and wide, the proper storage becomes a prerequisite, nonetheless.
  • Most importantly, it proves to be really useful when we have to work with the same client over a new or the same project in the future.

Archival and Data Handling at Word2all Translations

  • At Word2All Translation Services, we have an entirely separate server assigned for the safe storage and archiving of all the translation projects and client data that we undertake.
  • We follow a policy of archiving the data for a period of three years after the completion of project.
  • The practice of archiving has gained a reciprocated appreciation from our clients and been proven very useful, especially at times of future reworks. This service has only added up in our proficiency and reliable user friendliness.